The Gentleman behind the story…Jehangir Dalal

In Alexandria, VA lives a quiet and modest gentleman. Once from Bombay, now a Virginian, but always in Jazz..Over the last 65 years, Jehangir Dalal a respected authority on the origins of Jazz in India, has quietly researched, collected and documented how the music came to India. In fact, it was his early research, as acknowledged in Storyville magazine, that was the source for much of our information on the African-American musicians who carried Jazz from the salons of Montmatre to the grand hotels and ballrooms of Asia.

Much more than a historian and archivist, with jazz memorablia and a music collection that is emblematic of his passion for the music, he is an erudite and deeply knowledgeable expert on Jazz and its characters. A close personal friend of some well known musicians, (who may recognized in the video clip) he is deeply respected by those in the know. This week he turned 80, and admits that he remains under the continued influence ….of Jazz !

Happy Birthday Jehangir !!

Here’s a short clip that shares his story

Jehangir has been instrumental in helping to make this documentary come alive. Constantly available, and ever willing to dig through his trove, he has been a part of the Documentary project from its inception. Thanks Jehangir for all your help and support!

5 thoughts on “The Gentleman behind the story…Jehangir Dalal

  1. Pingback: Audiogeräte und Fernseher » Blog Archive » Pakistans PM Gilani

  2. Pingback: Incredible Ellington — in India ! Pt I « Bluerhythm's Blog

  3. Hi Jehangir,
    Here’s a name from the past for you ! I’m Bill Dean-Myatt who did a discography of Bix Beiderbecke for the Australian magazine “Matrix”. This was back in 1956 when we were both much younger than we are today (I’m now 81). You sent me many details of Bix records issued in India and were duly credited with your help when the discography was published in book form.
    Glad to learn that you are still fit and well and enjoying your jazz.

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